Thursday, July 9, 2009
I think it is many peoples dream job to become a surf photographer. Surf photographers get to hang out on the beach and look at girls all day. They get to play in the waves and witness some of the best surfing up close. Meet amazing athletes like Kelly Slater and Rob Machado. The question everyone always asks is How. How do I get your job as a surf photographer or how did you get started as a surf photographer. Was it hard to get a job being a surf photographer. How do you get paid as a surf photographer do you sell your surf photos to magazines or to individual surfers or to companies and the answer is you do all of that. The more you talk to people and network the more you can earn. The key in finding jobs that are fun is make sure you really show passion and enthusiasm when you are talking to people about it. They might try to help you out. Its all about who you know. If you love photography you will learn as you go and your equipment will become better and better. A few tips on getting started as a surf photographer is always purchase the glass first. The lens of the camera will let you get the zoom you need to be able to see the surfers you are taking photos of. Obviously you will need a digital slr camera. I prefer canon and nikon cameras. They have interchangeable lenses for all of there different cameras. Another tip is that sometime the newest camera out is not always the best. The canon 40d has been around for quite a while now and it is one of the nicest cameras to use and you don't have to pay the huge dollar amount to get your hands on one. If you are more interested in being in the water as a surf photographer which is actually more money but also much more dangerous you will need to research good water housings that won't break on you. If you water housing breaks so does you whole camera setup so be careful. Always take care of your gear clean the lens daily and make sure there is no salt on the lens. The ocean air will coat your lens over time and your pictures won't be as clear and sharp. If you really want to be a surf photographer you need to work on your communication skills as well. It is almost half the battle just meeting the contacts you need to be successful in this industry. As I said its all about who you know. Someone might be looking to do an ad and if you are the one that they think of when there brainstorming than you are in. If you don't talk to anyone you won't get anywhere. Always be friendly and say hi to people on the beach or water. Get a website as soon as you can and also business cards are key. If you don't have a name or website to give people that is easy to memorize then people will forget where to go to look at the photos. Surf photography is such a fun profession. The people I have met and the days of endless sun and awesome waves to watch are just amazing. It really lets you be creative and work with people and the environment to create images that are both beautiful and exciting. There are so many possibilities for travel if you are a photographer. You can take photos anywhere so you are never tied down to a certain place. I hope you are inspired by this blog. It is my passion and I love to share it with people.
Brad Scott
Check out my portfolio at

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