
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Surf Photographers in Hawaii

Posted on 11:21 AM by Brad Scott

The North Shore of Oahu is the surf mecca of the world. Every surf photographer in the whole world knows that if they want to get shots of monstrous waves and clean barrels than the North Shore is the spot. Hawaii is such a great spot to live with all of the different activities to do with your friends and family. You can wake up early in the morning and go for a surf or a swim or maybe just a nice morning run on the beach to wake yourself up. The North Shore is the spot to be for all surf enthusiasts. When it comes to Surf Photographers in Hawaii there are plenty of them. The Surf Photography industry is very competitive and you either have to know the right people to get your foot in the door or you have to have some new innovative way of shooting. Something new something inspiring for people to look at and say wow that picture is amazing. Surf magazines often use images more than once and all of us surf photographers get a bit sick of that unless its our picture of course. If you are a Photographer that is looking to move to Hawaii then just do it. Dreams can become your reality they are only an action away. You might think oh If I was a surf photographer in Hawaii then I would have to compete with the guys that are already well known. This is very true but what if you have that different perspective that nobody has scene before. It takes drive and determination to get to the top of the Photography world. My exgirlfriends friends mother a lady named Stefanie Riedel is the number one wedding photographer in Hawaii. Her images capture love and friendship that lasts a lifetime. I asked her what I could do to improve my Photography skills and she said Brad. As long as you love Photography and you keep that passion strong all you have to do is continue striving to "get the shots" and you will one day bump into the person who says wow. I love your photography can I hire you for a project. Another thing with any type of artist looking to strive in a competitive industry is to be friendly. ALWAYS. I don't care if you had a bad day and something is bothering you you never know who you are talking to. They might look like they don't have money and you think oh this person is never going to buy my photos but you have to remember most people that come to Hawaii are on vacation. They don't want to have to dress up all the time they come here to relax and enjoy the mellow atmosphere. So never judge a book by its cover. And don't be afraid to talk to Photographers that are already well known. Go up to them and introduce yourself and ask questions. Sound like you are extremely interested and you never know they might like your drive and ask you to come intern with them. Thats how I scored my first job as a Surf Photographer. I walked up to Erik Ippel with Ippel films who is a world renound surf videographer. I said do you mind if I take a couple shots of you as he was coming out of the water with his huge water housing. I introduced myself and said hi my name is Brad I think you have the coolest job in the world. I am new to the scene and I am trying to get started in the Surf photography world. He liked my attitude and now we have teamed up. Photography is not very political and most Photographers are very friendly. They have to be that's how they get clients and jobs. Anyways this is Brad Scott of checking out and hoping everyone has a great day filled with fun surfing, barrelings waves,big airs and try not to get pounded to bad. Surfs up get out there and catch some and Let me know if you would like pics. I got you covered.

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